Since 2019, students in the Bachelor Program at P.A.R.T.S. have graduated with a piece created in collaboration with a guest artist. For Generation XIV, Mette Ingvartsen — who studied at P.A.R.T.S. twenty years ago — embraced the challenge of working with all 40 students on the condition that the process would unfold over the full three years of their studies.
In Choreomania they explore the medieval marvel of dancing epidemics that swept across this part of Europe alongside waves of plague, floods, and famine. These “choreomanias” show a striking response from the most vulnerable or from those most afflicted by crisis—dancing with boisterousness and passion, where joy and despair create a peculiar mix of heightened emotion. The cause of massive outbursts of dancing remains unknown to this day: were they a symptom of deadly disease, poison or demoniac possession? A cure or an antidote to keep the threat at bay?
In revisiting these medieval dancing manias, Mette and the dancers from P.A.R.T.S. explore their relevance in our present moment in 2025, shaped by crises and protest. How do you open your body to social contact and contagion? How do affects move through our bodies in waves of imitation and synchronization? What politics emerge in learning to navigate and transform feelings of joy and pain, anxiety and enthusiasm?
Together with the P.A.R.T.S. cohort of remarkable young dancers, Mette embarked on an inquiry into swarmlike patterns of collectivity and the power of affects to move a crowd like an unstoppable fire.
Premiere: June 4th 2025, P.A.R.T.S, Charleroi danse & Kaaitheater, Brussels (BE)
Concept and choreography: Mette Ingvartsen
Performers: Adèle Chaput, Alba Díaz Muñoz, Alice Bröker, Anastasia Antoniadi, Anna Fedoronchuk, Annabel Van Acker, Beatričė Zaveckaitė, Beau De Lathouwer, Chiheb Slaoui, Ekaterina Varfolomeeva, Elena Olías García, Elsa Goldstein, Guilherme Carvalho, Guillem Salmerón, India Pornon, Irene Rojo, Jacob Bousset, Jessi Zhang, Kim Ramiandrisoa, Kiu Yan Cheng, Laura Murariu, Letícia Oliveira Ferreira, Marija Ivaškevičiūtė, Marika Suzuki, Martha MacMillan, Mashiro Tamura, Mimbi Lubansu, Momiji Kuromaru, Nicolas Dang, Patric Da Cunha, Pavlos Argyropoulos, Rozálie Stárová, Rünno Tammela, Salim Mabrouk, Samuele Baschieri, Silke Hamers, Solène Ezin, Takudzwa Felo, Thaïmee Samut
Composition electronic music: Milan Van Doren
Choreographic assistant: Thomas Bîrzan, Manon Santkin
Dramaturgy: Bojana Cvejić
Music dramaturgy and vocal training: Fabienne Séveillac
Technical direction: Hans Meijer
Sounddesign: Milan Van Doren
Costume design: Jennifer Defays
Production: Great Investment vzw & P.A.R.T.S.
Coproduction: KAAP, Perpodium
With the support of: Charleroi danse centre chorégraphique de Wallonie – Bruxelles, Kaaitheater
Great Investment is supported by: The Flemish Authorities, The Flemish Community Commission (VGC), Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government
P.A.R.T.S. is funded by: The Ministry of Education of the Flemish Community
2025 9:12 AM
2025 |
June 4 - 6 | P.A.R.T.S, Charleroi danse & Kaaitheater, Brussels | |
Jun 28, 2025 9:12 AM | June 28 - 29 | Dansand, Ostend |