The Permeable Stage #1
The first edition of The Permeable Stage was a 10-hour long performative conference dedicated to investigating sexuality as an expanded field of research. It was a space to collectively uncover existing, or propose new, intersections between the sexual, the social and the political. The 10-hour long duration was thought as a time for experimenting with how theoretical, practical, artistic, social and political concerns mix, touch and influence each other to generate conversations.
The conference aimed to investigate the politics of the body, sexuality and its relation to the public sphere and to the growing indistinction between private and public space. It explored a range of approaches, some of which were micropolitical, by dealing with perception and language representations of sexual, naked or material bodies in art. Other approaches were theoretical and articulated critical perspectives in relation to society.
The idea behind the 10-hour long day was to have time to shift between different formats of presentation, from lectures to physical practices, from panels and conversations to eating and discussing together. Theorists, choreographers, musicians and a cook were invited to occupy the entire building of the Kaaistudios to develop an ongoing discursive and performative event through presenting their respective practices. The aim was not only to elucidate topics in regards to the politics of the body – by speaking about new materialities, technology, participation, gender equality, pornography, affective and immaterial labor – but also to embody these questions by looking for other forms of being together in the theater.
Participants were invited to sign up and to join the full program, running from 9:30 am till 19:30 in the evening.
Presentations by: Claire Bishop, Mette Edvardsen, Daniela Bershan (aka Baba Electronica), Eszter Salomon, Mette Ingvartsen, Caroline Godart, Anne Juren and Gerald Kurdian
Concept: Mette Ingvartsen
Production Management: Kerstin Schroth & Elisabeth Hirner
Produced by: Great Investment
Coproduction: Kaaitheater, Brussels
Funded by: Danish Arts Council